by Mel Blackwood @roller_girl_gang

Hiya! It’s Mel from Roller Girl Gang here. Roller Girl Gang is based in Leeds, UK. We have a pro shop, offering a carefully curated choice of roller skates and accessories, (including tricky-to-get products this side of the Atlantic) as well as run events and classes.
I’m also the Skate Love team member who has been liaising with the amazing masterclass and workshop teachers all heading to Skate Love BCN.
Ahead of the festival, I’ve been able to catch up with some of them.
Skate Fantacee

Here is Cece aka Skate Fantacee. Cece founded World Wide Rolloutday in 2020, and in just two years, it spread to over 27 countries! She is a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer, skate coach and Riedell superstar.
IG: @SkateFantacee
Enjoy Cece's story!
I love everyone, that is just who I am.
Cece and I ran out of time! We aimed to have a Zoom chat, but we totally missed it. Thank you so much Cece for squeezing in the answer to these questions from the airport!
Video Transcript
Mel: Hello Cece!
Cece: I'm here to answer some questions. I just got my booster shot, so my arm is hurting, and I am on my way to Amsterdam and I am here to have some fun. I am going to answer some question that Mel has given me about Barcelona and the preparation for Barcelona.
Mel: What I would love to know is what got you started in roller skating and did you roller skate as a child?
Cece: How long have I been roller skating? Since I was a child of 5 or 6 years old. I was skating outdoors first and riding my bike then it turned into going to the rink with my cousin. My mum or older siblings would drop us off. All we did back then was go around and around in circles. I didn't know any styles back then.
Mel: I would also like to know what are you teaching at Skate Love BCN this year?
Cece: I taught last year too, we did a lot of slow walking. This year is a masterclass and I am so excited. We are doing rink style - it is a broad style that it is made up of movements. Some people will show you a routine from their city or state, but do you now what body part is needed?
Because I am a certified personal trainer, I come from a different angle.
I am on my way to Amsterdam, got that booster shot.
Mel: My next question is - what is your experience of skate parties?
Cece: I started my skate party touring in 2011 or maybe 2009. When I started, I went to 15 in one year. It was so much fun, and I met so many people from all over the world. I saw so many styles and I learned everything. I can skate everything because I went to all these skate parties. People say, you can skate everything, and this is why!
Because I was an army brat, bouncing around the world, seeing the world, I saw bigger than just my city or my state. I saw the world. It's not about us four and no more, it's about more than that. I love it, it's what I am and what I do. That's why I founded World Wide Roll Out day, to spread the love through skating. Skate parties are fun.
All skate parties are not for everyone. Some play more to the city, for instance, it may be if there is a JB party, it may lean towards JB music. I like Atlanta skate parties best because they play for everybody. They will get every rink style, if you go when the rink is open. some people get mad because they go late and miss their set.
Mel: Have you got a tip for travel?
Cece: My tip is right here (points to plaster on her arm) - get vaccinated way before time. I had to do this because of the Netherlands, but I'm not sure about Spain. Last year was hard to travel! I thought we were out of this, but I got a wake up call last night - if you don't get that booster, you're not going. I'm awake now!
You wanna know the number 1 tip? Get ready to have a ball. You are going to skate until you can skate no more! You will be tired, but you will still keep going. Your body will be tired, 8, 9, 10 hours of skating. All day and night, you may be skating all over the place. I wish I had brought my skateboard too.
And another thing - prepare to sweat a lot. And bring your sunscreen! I am still tanned from last year, and this is a Rio tan. I got a lot of tanning last year, so this year I have stepped the number up from 40-50 to SPF 70-90. If you plan to be at the skate park, make sure you bring your helmet.
So Mel, I want to end on this note - thank you for asking the questions that people want to know. Barcelona it's almost here. Thank you everyone who signd up for my masterclass, we are going to have a ball. I have some exciting trhings fo you to get it, to nail it. Let's just have some fun! Yesss!
I also wanted to let people know that i am teaching in the are of Barcelona, if you want to meet iwth me I am avaiable for 1 on 1 sessions, it's on my website, you can DM me or email me we can set a time and date - I have a few slots left. One on one or in a group. I have a group rate. You can get good learning and skating with me.
Mel : Byeeeee
Check out other teachers on the blog to learn about their perspective and Skate Love Chat!