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Let's go skate!

You'll get up to 35 skaters for a one-hour time slot, in a sports hall with our head coach Mel. This is a private hire session, so you may have skaters of any age within your session.


The session time is Thursday 6-7pm.


Once you book, you will receive a booking form to complete.


Please give us as much notice as you can, so we can confirm with the venue that your chosen date is available.


What to expect:

5.45pm: Mel will greet you at the hall

Hand in waivers that are already signed or these need to be completed prior to skating.

6pm: Collection of rental equipment - hire skates, protective pads and helmets

Facilitate roller disco session, starting with a safety briefing, including games if requested

Deliver taught skills, if requested

6:45pm photos/video time - this is a great time to take photos or videos so you have memories of the session

6.55pm Kit off and end of session

7pm Collect your goody bag if ordered


Terms and Conditions:

All bookings are subject to confirmation by the venue, we aim to confirm bookings within 5 days.

Please complete and return the form received on the download so we can prepare the session for you.

All children aged 17 or under must have their waiver signed by a responsible adult.

If only children are skating, responsible adults must remain in the room during the session.

We take the safety of our skaters very seriously. Protective equipment will be provided and we recommend skaters wear this.

Private Hire Roller Skate Session

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